Star Wars - A Blaze of Glory Page 5
The transport’s cargo hold has been modified to hold 185 Humansized beings in sealable inner modules. Each compartment has bunks for sleeping, nutrient dispensers, and waste facilities. Quite often these modules are packed with slaves, although Trentacal is careful not to allow overcrowding to damage his goods.
Gabredor III
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Jungle
Length of Day: 22 standard hours
Length of Year: 352 local days
Sapient Species: Various aliens
Starport: Landing field
Population: 100 slavers
Planet Function: Slaver outpost
Tech Level: Space at outpost, stone elsewhere
Major Exports: Slaves
Major Imports: Slaves, weapons
Capsule: The Gabredor system is part of a region of space which many scouts refer to as Myto’s Arrow, a hyperspace route named for the Old Republic scout Keos Myto. Myto was well-known for discovering faster routes to interconnect many of the commercial sectors. The scout had been commissioned by several prominent financial firms to trace a new hyperspace route which would link Dantooine with the Obtrexta Sector. Unfortunately, the new route, dubbed Myto’s Arrow, lead past many stellar dust storms, nebulae, and other dangerous phenomenon. Any worlds within the systems he visited were either uninhabitable, or downright hostile — like Gabredor III. With no interest in further development. Myto’s Arrow route fell into disuse, and after many years, was eventually abandoned for safer, albeit longer, hyperspace routes.
Despite the presence of numerous organisms on this world which are dangerous to sapient life, a faction of the Karazak Slavers Guild has used this planet as a gathering base for slaves. The planet is obscure enough not to be noticed, and the wildlife hostile enough to discourage casual visitors. A small compound serves as a base where slaves are gathered, processed and shipped off to profitable markets.
From Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 (11-1995)