Star Wars - A Blaze of Glory Read online

Page 4

  In Brixie’s heart, it was a hollow victory. They had tried to search the wreckage of the command bunker, but the fire was simply too hot. She sat in a chair on the transport’s bridge, keeping to herself as Tigereye and Cutter familiarized themselves with the ship’s astrogation controls. She finally thought about taking the helmet off her head. With a tired sigh, she undid the straps and let the helmet fall to the deck beside her feet.

  Tigereye looked over at the sound. During her training, it had been difficult for her to judge the Trunsk — to separate reputation from reality. The same clawed hands which had so eagerly torn the Defel to pieces were the same hands which gladly unlocked the pain collars of dozens of slaves.

  She finally realized why he had chosen her for this mission. There were some things that cannot come with training or preparation, they must be experienced and felt. Brixie had experienced the camaraderie and the fear, seen the violence and death that was all part of the life of the blaster-for-hire. For a brief moment. Tigereye’s expression softened. He and Hugo would mourn the loss of their lifetime friend in their own ways.

  Her gaze fell upon the bridge’s visual screens. Gabredor III was falling slowly away. She found herself wishing Lex was here, wondering what his reaction would have been to her realization. He probably would have just winked at her.

  Then she saw the remains of the slaver camp on the screens. A chill ran down her spine — there was something familiar about the shape of fires down there. Kempo’s voice echoed in her mind. In his own words, the pathfinder had indeed gone out in a blaze of glory.

  From hundreds of kilometers above, the explosion that had flattened the command bunker appeared like a fiercely glowing crescent …

  A red moon.

  Supplemental Record:

  Karazak Slavers and The Pentastar Alignment

  The Pentastar Alignment is among the most powerful of the so-called “Imperial warlord factions.” Despite the large domain of space it controls, even the Alignment lacks the worker forces it requires. So the Alignment often turns to the Karazak Slavers Guild to supply hard-working backs with few questions asked.

  So how does the KSG gets away with slaving when anti-slaving regulations from pre-Empire days still exist? The Alignment issues “mass employment notices” to the Karazak Slavers Guild and others. Karazak slavers then “recruit” beings to fill those positions — through abduction, force, deceit or other unscrupulous methods. To permit them easy access within Alignment space, the Alignment allows slaver guilds to conduct their collection operations on worlds distant from well-traveled space lanes and prying eyes — worlds like Gabredor III. The Alignment asks no questions as to how the KSG obtains its “recruits.” In return, the Karazak Slavers Guild provides a continual supply of slaves for the Alignment’s mining, agri-production, and industry worlds.

  Needless to say. I found great pleasure shutting down the Karazak Slavers Guild’s operations on Gabredor III. Dropping a thermal detonator on the Guild’s inner circle of slave masters would provide great satisfaction as well.

  Sully Tigereye

  Red Moon Special Mission Operations

  Brixie Ergo

  Type: Mercenary Combat Medic


  Blaster 4D+2, brawling parry 4D+2, dodge 4D+2, grenade 4D, melee combat 4D, melee parry 4D, running 4D+2, vehicle blasters 4D


  Alien species 6D+2, cultures 5D, languages 5D, planetary systems 4D, survival 3D+2


  Communications 4D+2, repulsorlift operation 4D+2, sensors 4D, space transports 3D+2, starship gunnery 3D+2, starship shields 3D+2


  Hide 4D+1, sneak 4D+1


  Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 4D, stamina 4D


  Computer programming/repair 6D, droid repair 6D, first aid 6D+2, (A) medicine 3D+2

  Character Points: 10

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blast helmet (+1D physical, +1 energy), blast vest (+1D physical, +1 energy, torso only), blaster pistol (4D), comlink, 4 medpacs, medical field kit

  Capsule: Both of Brixie Ergo’s parents are recognized medical specialists in the Entralla system. So it seemed a logical choice for their prodigal daughter to enroll in one of the prominent universities there and pursue a medical career of her own. Brixie was drawn to the study of alien species and quickly excelled in that field. Her parents were on their way to attend her graduation commencement when they were suddenly “encouraged” to enlist in the combat medical unit of the Pentastar Alignment military branch. Brixie never saw her parents again.

  Enraged and overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, several of her fellow students quietly suggested she seek out the help of a suspected mercenary force known as the Red Moons. The Red Moons were interested in liberating Entralla and other worlds from iron grasp of the Alignment. She finally managed to contact the Red Moons during a strange encounter with a crazy old drunk who turned out to he their disguised leader. Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller. The former New Republic colonel suggested a working arrangement. He and the Red Moons would do everything in their power to try to locate and rescue her parents, and in return, Brixie would train to become a combat medic and work for the Red Moons. Reluctantly, the young medical student agreed, not knowing quite what to expect from Stormcaller or his unusual band of mercenaries.

  Sully Tigereye

  Type: Mercenary Team Leader


  Blaster 7D+2, blaster artillery 7D, brawling parry 7D, dodge 7D, grenade 7D, melee combat 7D, melee combat: vibro-axe 8D+2, melee parry 6D, missile weapons 7D, running 7D, vehicle blasters 5D+2


  Intimidation 8D, streetwise 8D, survival 8D+1


  Beast riding 5D, communications 4D, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, sensors 5D, space transports 4D+1, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 4D, swoop operation 5D+1


  Command 7D, hide 7D+2, persuasion 7D, search 7D, sneak 7D+2


  Brawling 8D, climbing/jumping 6D+1, stamina 6D, swimming 6D


  Demolition 4D, first aid 4D+2, security 5D

  Special Abilities:

  Claws: Trunsks have long, retractable fighting claws which give them +1D to Strength when figuring damage for a brawling attack.

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Comlink, datapad, 6 fragmentation grenades (5D), heavy blaster pistol (5D), vibro-axe (STR+*3D), weapons harness

  Capsule: Sully Tigereye served with the Rebel Alliance, enlisting as a standard ground force trooper. He worked his way slowly through the ranks, gaining the attention of superiors and fellow soldiers as a fearsome warrior prone to exuberant fits of violence. Eventually, he caught the eye of Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller, who had him assigned as fire support coordinator for the infiltrator team designated as Red Alpha. Since his assignment, he directly participated in nearly every Red Alpha mission in some capacity. When Stormcaller left the New Republic military — displeased with their handling of the situation with his home world of Entralla — Sully Tigereye and a handful of other infiltrators joined him in support.

  Although shorter than a Wookiee, Sully Tigereye has shown he is more than proficient with heavy blaster rifles, repeating blasters, vibro-axes, and other large weapons.

  Hugo Cutter

  Type: Mercenary Demolitions Expert


  Blaster 4D+2, blaster artillery 4D+2, brawling parry 4D, dodge 5D+2, grenade 5D, melee combat 4D+2, melee parry 4D, missile weapons 4D, vehicle blasters 4D


  Languages 4D, planetary systems 4D+1


  Astrogation 6D, capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 5D, communications 6D, ground vehicle operation 5D, powersuit operation 6D, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, se
nsors 6D, space transports 5D+1, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 6D, walker operation 5D


  Forgery 6D, hide 6D+2


  Brawling 4D+1, climbing/jumping 4D+2, stamina 4D


  Capital starship repair 7D, capital starship weapon repair 7D, computer programming/repair 8D, demolition 9D+2, droid repair 7D, security 7D+1, space transports repair 7D+2, starfighter repair 7D, starship weapon repair 7D

  Character Points: 10

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, electronic junk and parts, various grenades anti explosives

  Capsule: A notable New Republic general once commented that, “Hugo Cutter can be best described as a high-yield bomb looking for a target without a guidance system.” Hugo Cutter spent much of his privileged youth and formal education in one of the prominent Imperial engineering academies. Cutter’s parents were corporate nobles in the Empire, and did their best to have their son raised in an atmosphere of control. When he joined the Rebellion against the Empire, like many other idealistic youths, he was called upon by Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller to use his vast knowledge in destroying vital things like shipyards, battle cruisers, garrisons, satellite transmission relays. The more he destroyed, the more he found himself enjoying his work.

  An alleged pyromaniac, Hugo Cutter is a destructive, wildhaired guru of cosmic metaphysics, obscure alien religions, and alternative hyper-dimension theory. He sometimes wears his New Republic infiltrator uniform inside out as part of making some obscure point.

  Lex “Mad Vornskr” Kempo

  Type: Mercenary Pathfinder


  Blaster 8D+2, blaster: blaster rifle 9D+2, blaster artillery 7D+2, brawling parry 5D+2, dodge 7D+2, grenade 7D+2, melee combat 7D, melee parry 5D+2, missile weapons 7D+2, running 6D, vehicle blasters 6D+2


  Intimidation 6D, languages 3D+2, planetary systems 5D, streetwise 6D+2, survival 6D, value 4D, willpower 5D


  Astrogation 5D+1, beast riding 5D+1, bureaucracy: Imperial Army 5D, communications 6D+1, ground vehicle operation 5D+1, repulsorlift operation 6D+1, sensors 6D, space transports 6D, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery 6D, starship shields 5D+1, swoop operation 6D


  Command 5D, con 5D, hide 5D, persuasion 5D, search 6D+2, sneak 7D+2


  Brawling 6D+2, climbing/jumping 5D+2, stamina 5D, swimming 5D


  Armor repair 5D, blaster repair 5D+2, first aid 3D+2, security 5D, space transports repair 5D, starfighter repair 5D, starship weapon repair 5D

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, 5 concussion grenades with launcher (5D), hold-out blaster (3D), medpac, modified blaster rifle (5D+2), modified scout trooper armor (+1D physical and energy), 2 smoke grenades, throwing blades (STR+1D), vibro-cutlass (STR+2D+2)

  Capsule: Lex Kempo’s military service career began, rather unexpectedly, with a brag to the patrons of a bar in the Corellian sector. The local jet juice apparently had more of a kick than Kempo anticipated, and the next day the young Kempo found himself waking up with the worst headache of his life … and on his way to basic training in the Imperial Army! After having signed the standard five-year service agreement in less than a perfect state-of-mind, Kempo nonetheless toughed his way through infantry training. His fellow soldiers and superior officers quickly grew to hate him — he was braver, faster, and constantly arguing the tactics of whatever situation they were in.

  Kempo was finally assigned to the Imperial 676th Light Support Scouts, a unit that served no function except to house murderers, thieves, cowards, the less intelligent, and other discipline problems until their term of service ended. The unit had the indistinct reputation as being, “the first to arrive, and the first to die.” He had no sooner arrived when he snuck away with a stolen suit of scout trooper armor and weapons.

  Kempo wandered the backwaters of the galaxy, ducking Imperial patrols, and renting his blaster out to whoever would pay. If Kempo had anything, he had the distinct ability to survive. Dozens of times he was thrown into blaster battles and situations that would kill the hardiest of soldiers, only to emerge with a leering smug expression on his face. Someone eventually dubbed him “mad as a vornskr.” Kempo liked the sound of that, and so the nickname stuck. But most of all, he enjoyed embarrassing the very Imperial units he had been assigned to. He joined the Rebel Alliance as a mercenary pathfinder and worked closely with Colonel Stormcaller and his Red Alpha infiltrators. When Stormcaller broke away from the New Republic to form his own mercenary force. Kempo tagged along.

  Greezim Trentacal

  Type: Karazak Slave Master


  Blaster 3D+1, brawling parry 3D+1, dodge 4D


  Alien species 6D+2, bureaucracy 5D, business: Karazak Slavers Guild 9D+2, intimidation 6D+2, languages 5D+2, planetary systems 6D, value 7D



  Bargain 7D+2, command 7D, persuasion 7D


  Brawling 3D+2


  Dark Side Points: 1

  Character Points: 14

  Move: 8

  Equipment: Comlink, datapad

  Capsule: Greezim Trentacal’s career began in the betting pits of Boztrok, a world dominated by criminal enterprise and gangsters. He tried various unsuccessful schemes of his own for a number of years until he joined several slavers who were affiliated with the Karazak Slavers Guild. With the Guild, Trentacal found organization and direction. He discovered he had a knack for the commerce of enslaved beings, and did not mind in the slightest when the Guild offered him more and more responsibility. The Guild placed him in the Outer Rim to deal exclusively with several Hutts and corporations, which Trentacal developed into a large, complicated network of slavers, contacts and prime raiding worlds.

  With the Empire’s fall and the arrival of the Pentastar Alignment , the need for slaves has boomed. The Alignment needs strong backs for its factory complexes and agri-worlds and has little regard for the rights of individuals. Trentacal knows that he can all-too easily fulfill those needs. He supervises his operations from his personal slave ship, Atron’s Mistress.


  Type: Defel Bodyguard


  Blaster 5D+2, blind fighting 4D+2, dodge 4D+2, melee combat 5D+2, melee parry 5D


  Alien species 3D+1, business: Karazak Slavers Guild 5D+1, streetwise 5D+1


  Astrogation 3D, space transports 4D+1


  Command 5D, con 4D, hide 6D, search 6D, sneak 7D+2


  Brawling 6D+2, stamina 6D+2


  Security 4D

  Special Abilities:

  Invisibility: Adds +3D to sneak.

  Claws: Adds +2D to damage when brawling.

  Light Blind: Defel can only see ultraviolet light, and must wear light visors to screen out other forms of light. If a Defel loses his visor, the difficulty of any sight-based task is increased by one level.

  This character is Force-sensitive.

  Dark Side Points: 2

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 11

  Equipment: Comlink, heavy blaster pistol (5D), knife (STR+1D)

  Capsule: Like most of his kind, Vex is a mysterious Defel motivated by his own unrevealed goals. Trentacal first heard of the Defel when Vex’s name was mentioned with some regard by one of Trentacal’s slave buyers. When finally Introduced, Vex at first was not interested in Trentacal’s offer to be the slave master’s personal bodyguard. The Defel apparently had other matters requiring his attention. and had little time to dally with what he saw as a petty
and slovenly slave lord.

  But Vex quickly changed his mind. He soon found himself trapped between rivals to Trentacal’s local interests and the firepower of the Karazak Slavers Guild which came to protect Trentacal’s interests. Vex decided joining Trentacal’s slaving operations was perhaps the best way for him to accomplish his own mysterious goals. The Defel has served faithfully at the slave master’s side ever since, for reasons he keeps to himself. Over time, Trentacal has informally elevated him to his personal lieutenant, and placed him in charge of the more mundane aspects of his slaving operation.

  Atron’s Mistress

  Craft: Custom Zuraco Cargo Hauler

  Type: Modified medium transport

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 87.3 meters

  Skill: Space transports: Zuraco cargo transport

  Crew: 4, gunners: 1, skeleton 2/+10

  Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, space transports 4D+2, starship shields 4D+2, starship gunnery 4D

  Passengers: 6

  Cargo Capacity: 185 slaves

  Consumables: 2 months

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

  Hyperdrive Backup: x5

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Space: 6

  Atmosphere: 330:950 kmh

  Hull: 3D

  Shields: 2D


  Passive: 30/1D

  Scan: 80/2D

  Search: 100/3D

  Focus: 4/4D


  1 Medium Turbolaser

  Fire Arc: Turret

  Crew: 1

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-3/12/25

  Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km

  Damage: 6D

  Capsule: Atron’s Mistress is Greezim Trentacal’s personal slave transport and his mobile base of operations. Although the slave lord often conducts business in starports, he rarely ventures from his inner sanctuary when Atron’s Mistress lands on hostile or primitive worlds to collect or process slaves. Trentacal’s comfortable quarters are located near the transport’s bridge so he can oversee any operations requiring his attention. He’s made sure his quarters are filled with all the luxuries he’s used to enjoying. The transport also contains crew quarters, and a cabin for Trentacal’s bodyguards.